Team Vaayushastra has witnessed progressive developments and has managed to receive accolades internationally, achieving great heights of success and is still striving to better its performance!

Moltres (2021-22)

Moltres will be seen flying around the Wild Area on the Isle of Armor, the team ranked 5th globally.

Team Vaayushastra
Team Vaayushastra
Black Darter (2020-21)

Working with the Black Darter has left no doubts why aviation has been in the dreams and imagination of man as long as history can tell.

Hermes (2019-20)

The team secured a 9th rank in design report and 9th rank overall.

Team Vaayushastra
Team Vaayushastra
Aurora (2018-19)

The team secured a 5th rank in the presentation round and bettered its overall rank to 9th globally.

Night Fury (2017-18)

The team ranked 4th in design report and 14th overall.

Team Vaayushastra
Team Vaayushastra
Albatross (2016-17)

The team secured a 3rd position in the presentation round and an overall 5th rank besides retaining its reputation as the best team from the continent for the third consecutive year.

Falcon (2015-16)

The team retained its 6th place while again outperforming all other teams from Asia-Pacific.

Team Vaayushastra
Team Vaayushastra
Phoenix (2014-15)

The team attained the 1st position in the presentation round, superseding internationally reputed teams. The team also improved its overall rank by securing a 6th position besides turning up as the best team from the Asia-Pacific region.

Zephyrus (2013-14)

Within the team's second year at the competition, we bettered our position in the competition by achieving a global 7th rank.

Team Vaayushastra
Team Vaayushastra
Marut (2012-13)

In its maiden appearance at the competition, the team exceeded all expectations by attaining an overall 10th rank internationally.

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